Active Cumbria -Satellite Sports Club Funding


Active Cumbria has established a network of Satellite Sports Clubs across the County within Secondary Schools and Further Education Colleges and we are now looking to target specific groups including:

  • Young women & girls 

  • Young people with disabilities

  • Young people living within areas of deprivation. (Barrow and the West Coast are our priority areas)

Satellite Sports Clubs are extensions of community sports clubs, or can be linked to an existing physical activity exit route that specifically engage inactive and young people doing less than 3 x 60 minutes exercise vigorous exercise every week aged 14 to 19 from the three underrepresented target groups (Women/girls, low social economic, people with disabilities). The aim of the satellite sports club programme is to make it easier for young people to remain active or get active by engaging in sport and/or physical activity at a convenient time in a setting local to them providing sport and/or physical activity in a format that has been shaped by the young people through extensive consultation. This in turn provides a stepping stone for young people to access local community clubs/sport provision to help make participating in sport or physical activity a lifelong habit.

Over the next two years 2019 -21 Active Cumbria will be working with local youth providers, secondary schools, colleges, third sector organistions, Leisure providers and community providers along with well-established well run sports clubs, to create a sustainable network of satellite sports clubs across Cumbria to engage inactive young people with a focus on the deprived wards within Allerdale, Barrow-In-Furness and Copeland districts.

Application form


Thinking about getting back on court - do you need new kit?


Sixpenny Wood Wind Farm Fund (East Riding)