94 caps for England, 2012 Torch Bearer, OBE - it has to be Freda
Outside Buckingham Palace.
Freda Bussey, Ex England player, PE teacher that secured funding to build the Ashcombe Volleyball Centre, Coach and Granny.
1. How were you first introduced to Volleyball?
I started playing volleyball at Dartford College of Physical Education in 1970. Terry Jones, who was Secretary of The English Volleyball Association and an Education lecturer started a club and I was hooked. Don Anthony visited regularly to use our swimming pool as he didn't have one at Avery Hill College, where he was Head of PE. We became firm friends through our love of volleyball.
2. What was the most difficult skill to master on court?
Reading positioning around a block. Where and when to move to cover an attack with success? I love the "cat and mouse" unpredictability of the attack and defence movements.
3. What makes you most proud of our Volleyball Family?
I love that volleyball is open to all and that all both the men and the women's games have equal status throughout the world. I am proud that Volleyball England supports all styles of volleyball.
4. What was your greatest Volleyball achievement?
Gaining 94 caps for England is my proudest personal achievement but I am also very proud of founding The Ashcombe Volleyball Club and keeping it going for 44 years and working to get the funding to build The Ashcombe Volleyball Centre in 2001, one of the only purpose built volleyball centres part funded by Sport England.
5. What are you missing most during the lockdown?
I'm missing coaching my junior players. It's a real privilege introducing and nurturing players to start their volleyball journey. Someone once worked out that I had coached over 70 players who went on to play for England at various levels and age groups. However, I get as much pleasure from coaching the players who just love playing volleyball at whatever level they enjoy.
6. What are you looking forward to most once the lockdown is over?
Travelling to Sheffield to hug my grandson Arthur.